Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hi, Folks!

Matt just posted, but I wanted to include some cool pics now that we have a good camera.  He really captured the beauty of Urbania:

Here are some mummies from the Chiesa dei Morti (Church of the Dead).  Yes, they are real and it was very creepy.  There was some sort of mold or bacteria in the soil that preserved them and when they were unearthed to be buried outside city limits (for sanitary reasons) they were found almost completely in tact.  Some are from the 1500s.  One was a mother who died during a C-section.
Also some of Maddie and her dance crew on her last day, and just some silly shots of our last night in Urbania...until next year!

You are too big to be on Mommy!!

First impressions of Milan...we love the area where our tiny apartment is--It's called Navigli and has some of the few remaining canals in Milan.  It's artsy and laid back...described as " of the few places in Milan you will find Italian hipsters and goths."  Pretty funny.  Cafes and restaurants surround us and so far we feel right at home.  From here we will travel to Cinque Terre--probably sometime next week.  Lots to see here in Milan, and of course George is waiting for us in Lake Como!!

Here's the tiny shower--it's like a phone booth:

Some highlights of Navigli.  Matt found a beer joint that gives you beer in a plastic cup and gives you a Euro back when you return it.  He's in heaven.  Photos compliments of Delaney:

Ciao for now.  Matt is off to Prague tomorrow for a couple of days for work.  Don't shed a tear for those of us staying behind...we are staying here to shop!  He'll be back on Wednesday and we will go check out more sights in and around town.  Miss you all!! 



  1. Beautiful pictures--- the canal reminds me a little of Cape Coral! LOL

    Give George a hug for me--- tell him I was a faithful viewer of Sister's.

  2. Everything sounds so great. I love the pics and description of Milan. Have fun shopping! I'm excited for you guys to get to Cinque Terre :) xo

  3. HAHAHA!!! Sister's...that is so funny. Leah I am very excited to hear about the beer cup reuse & return of $$; that's pretty cool. SHOPPING + Matt out of town = why am I a tad scared? Get it girl!! You have my address ;) Those sunflowers are just gorgeous. Nice pics by Delaney too. Miss ya!

  4. Looks like Maddie made some good friends and I am sure Luigi is missing you girls. Those europeans are serious about getting their cups and glasses back - suprised it was plastic though, it has got to be glass in Deutscheland - Beer in Plastic is Verboten!! Showers in Italy are not for the big of bone that is for sure. You almost have to get out, turn around and get back in to get the backside.
